Default template for (new) ITEM? We don't sell items... only use erpnext for purchasing/PO

Possible to configure the default values of a new item creation template?

Right now we only use ERPNext as a test for our internal buying / Purchase Orders & tracking of invoices from our suppliers.

So right now, every time I create a new item I usually…


  • uncheck “maintain stock”
  • uncheck “include item in manufacturing”


  • uncheck “is Sales item”

it would be nice if my default item template had these things unchecked already

I suppose one way I could do it is create items called…

  • ITEM-TMPL_non-stocked_service
  • ITEM-TMPL_non-stocked_consumable

and then duplicate that ITEM-TMPL* template when we want to create a new item based on those settings?

you can use customize in the item list
Click in the menu or … then customize
find the rows you want to change and replace Default filed 1 to 0

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Thanks @Mohammed_Alnozily – that did the trick!