Date Picker Not Working in script report


I have design Few script reports which getting data from database between two date range. But when i select any date, then it was not refreshing page and did not retrieve any data from database.

Is there any issue in date picker or last updates from frappe ?

In sort, i have tried to check reports of erpnext module as well, but it also doesn’t refresh page on selection
of any filter.

Version : (Last updated on today)

erpnext 7.2.31
frappe 7.2.31

Hardik Gadesha


Are you getting any error message in the console? In version 8, we have added new date picker, hence issue could be valid. Will be great if you could share GIF indicating the issue. Btw, reports generally requires a refresh after application of any filter.

Hello @umair

Version :

Frappe : 7.2.31
Erpnext : 7.2.31

I also tested it on monthly attendance sheet report in, But report will not refreshing data in as well. Same thing happen with my custom app as it’s report do not load any data on applied filter.

What will be the reasons behind this ? Do i need to apply refresh code to script report ? If yes, then how can i apply this ?

My custom app reports working fine for me before last update and without refreshing page code.

Hardik Gadesha

You are right. The report used to refresh on filter change in v7 but not in v8.
Please open a github issue, also add screenshots and steps to reproduce.

Already opened …

Hello @netchampfaris

I open this issue Refresh on filter change is not working in V8 · Issue #2949 · frappe/frappe · GitHub.

Is This Fixed @netchampfaris ?