Database or site_config.json may be corrupted

@bahaou if i dont want these changes to commit? i dont want to push custom app to git. Then what should i do?

@Aditya_Vig , uninstall it if you don’t need it.

@bahaou these all problems started when i added erpnext and version 13. Before that i was to do update and everything. But now i am also not able to bench start. I am not able to open my site also.

@Aditya_Vig why you can’t use bench start ?

@bahaou when i do it, it is not running.

@Aditya_Vig omg. nothing is right . are you willing to install a brand new app ?

Hi @Aditya_Vig

The first thing you need to do is

Go to the apps folder and then kyc_customization folder

Once there type – git status

It will tell you the files that need to commit or discard.

bench setup requirements

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this is helping me