Data Import Tool Version 10

How to fix Data Import Tool always stays in “In Progress” Status. The Erpnext version I am using is Version 10. Please help, thanks.

Kindly provide more info. What’s the size of the data you’re trying to import? How long have you waited for it to be imported?
Have you checked for any error logs?

Some times it have something about the size of your base… If you have more than 500 lines, maybe it will be a good idea split it!

@Hamza_Rana @xickomesquita thanks for your replies, I only tested 1 line. I waited for almost 2 hours and still it stayed in “In Progress” status. There were no errors.

Humm… Try to use CSV instead of XLS…

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Ok @xickomesquita i will try CSV, thanks! :slight_smile:

I can now import data using CSV format. thank you so much @xickomesquita

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Hi @jiloyssss
The data import is done via the background worker. So if the status keeps as “In progress”, please check your schedular and Error Logs.

Hello @ManasSolanki I see, thank you so much for this :smiley: