Dark Mode in the ERPNext


Within ERPNext, there could be a dark mode option, as some companies are applying to their OS and applications. It would help in times when the user needs to stay close to the screen for a long time, the eyes would not be bothered and the reading would be more pleasant.

Follow GITHub link Dark Mode in the ERPNext · Issue #19915 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

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@he1tor check this app:

I’ll check, thanks

Applying these codes, does dark mode become fixed or optional, like a button called “dark mode click here”?


Following the orientation of the GITHub post, the responsible team noticed some points that need to be modified, either by color or function.

Follow the evidence

In the white version, the required fields are highlighted in red, but in the black version this does not happen.

Description icons appear white, making it difficult to see

@he1tor This app was building for V10/V11
for V12 you have to make the adjustment in CSS to make it working properly