Customized General Ledger with Sales Order

Hello Everyone,

I have a problem with my customized general ledger. I created it because we want to include the Sales Order. Actually it is working fine if I am using administrator account. However, upon changing to my personal account I am receiving this error message. I am not sure if it is related to any rights/permission.
InternalError: (1054, u"Unknown column ‘tabGL’ in ‘where clause’")

Please roll back it’s role permission once then reassign and check…

Hi Suresh, thank you for responding. What do you mean of roll back? I’m a bit confuse.

Remove permission then save it.

Check again. Report should have restrictions to access for this user.

Then assign permission and check again.

Hi @Suresh_Thakor, I tried it but still encountered same error.


How can I add Sales Order in General Ledger Report?


If you update to a newer version using bench in the future, bench might require you to do a reset.