Customize Add to ToDo

On any doctype record, when we open the record we can see a side-bar on left side.
On clicking Assign + below wizard is open. I want to add custom field with of fieldtype → Link, Options → ToDo Type and Lable → Type between
Completed by and Priority.
What are the steps and code to do this customization.

Thanks in advance

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Dear All,

Any one can suggest how we can do this ?
We also have added a todo type field in todo doctype as above post by @Sameer_Shaikh to track different kinds of todo’s pending so that team members can prioritize and follow up. But ther e is no provision to list the fields on the pop-up screen and there is no button to allow full screen to allow to see all fields also. How do we go about with this ?

any luck on this buddy… how to do it