Customer Territory

A customer can office all over the world. Based on how the territory are divided they can be covered by different personnels in sales, accounting etc. Won’t it make more sense to define territory in the Address rather than in Customer? It will make possible to auto fill the territory based on the Billing or Shipping address . Chances of mistake happening in selecting the correct territory will be less. Permission can be given based on the territory based on which basis the Users can see the Address, Contact, Quotation,Sales Orders, Invoices etc.


You can add custom field territory in address doctype then fetch it in sales order/invoice using custom script

@jof2jc I was talking from design point of view, if it will be better. Of course I can make the changes in ERPNext and thats the power of software. Sharing your viewpoint and discussing the pros and cons is the strength of this community :slight_smile:.


@Amit_Saxena Create a GitHub issue for this feature?

Created Link Territory in Address not Customer · Issue #14145 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

I agree. Also, Many of my customers cover multiple territories (as they are distributors). In that case, I should be able to select multiple territories at once.