Created custom doctype , no js file / python file created

I had created a custom doctype called inventory checking put it under Stock module Document category,

I want to put code the js file and py file, but there is missing in the erpnext stock (no such inventory checking folder).

Do we need to create it manually ? when i add in “developer_mode”:1 into the site (the site for me is site1.local) , it hit error… so can i add the js or py by manually ?

is that the only way i can include in the custom script in the setup ?

Uncheck Custom ? as shown below. Then you will see the files.

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I tried, but it said

so i change the site1.local

However, i still faced the same Not in Developer Mode … showed as above. I had stop n start the bench.

You added developer mode in Limits
please add it next to db_password

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Thanks for correcting me. Next, i hit this error after added the “developer_mode” : 1

have you enabled developer mode for your current site?
If not you can add it in common_site_config.json

'developer_mode': 1,

or you can set it via command line from frappe-bench directory

bench --site [site name] set-config developer_mode 1

share ur site_config.json screenshot


give comma , after → developer_mode: 1,

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@Sangram @hereabdulla ,

tyvm, i had include both “developer_mode”:1, it working fine right now. Sorry for my careless mistake