Create module and show on desktop

i want this type of result

You need to add your new module information in the Desktop Icon doctype
notice that this doctype is not searchable by a user, you can edit this and add administration role and add your doctype

You can add your icon to the icon field( you can use awesome font icons )
After adding it and refreshing, your module icon will appear on the Desk and the modules page

I am not having Desktop Icon Doctype in tools

Can you please show full steps

You can reach it by URL
Type the doctype name Desktop Icon

/desk#List/Desktop Icon/List

First, go to doctypes and open Desktop Icon Doctype and remove User Cannot search & User cannot create

can icon be displayed without giving _doctype in Desktop Icon ?

And in Gym Management hoe did you displayed Setup

You can display your doctypes by adding them in new py file in config folder


If you’re trying to learn by developing this module?

Send a PR. Refer how module is added for Hotels