Company Shipto Address display on Purchase Order


We have a unique requirement. There are multiple Shipto addresses for the company and we need to display a particular Company Shipto address, based on the selection, while making the Purchase Order. I have added a new Address type called Company Shipto in the Address doctype. And, I have added a few addresses over there. I have also created a custom field inside Purchase Order, naming it “Select Company Shipto Address”. But, while creating the Purchase Order, how do I make sure that only those few Company Shipto Addresses get displayed for selection. It is showing the entire list as of now.

Thanks for any advice on this.

Can you share the screenshot of your Purchase Order Form as well as the Print Format?

Ruchin Sharma

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There is already a Select Shipping Address field, so you shouldn’t need to do any extra work.

Thanks @Ben_Cornwell_Mott for the suggestion. I tried entering a few addresses with Address type as Shipping, but it is not displaying these addresses in the Select Shipping Addresses. Is there any link that I am missing over here?

You need to have the button “Is Your Company Address” checked off for it to work.

If I check off the “Is Your Company Address”, I get the error “Company is mandatory, as it is your company address”, and cannot save the Address.

@Steve Select Link DocType as Company and Link Name as your company name and then save.