Child Table Has Child Table

Hello Everyone, Could we have child table inside child table in frappe ?

example data looks like:

“orders”: [
“name”: “68c455d15a”,
“owner”: “”,
“creation”: “2021-04-26 10:40:10.413096”,
“modified”: “2021-04-26 10:40:10.413096”,
“modified_by”: “”,
“parent”: “PA-20210426-0013”,
“parentfield”: “orders”,
“parenttype”: “Packing List”,
“idx”: 1,
“docstatus”: 0,
“goods_delivery_document”: “GD-BRO-so-pi-04”,
“urgency”: 1,
“shipping_service”: “INSTANT”,
“shipping_courier”: “GOJEK INSTANT”,
“order_notes”: “Mohon dipacking dengan rapih”,
“doctype”: “Packing List Order”,
“items”: [
“parentfield”: “items”,
“parenttype”: “Packing List Order”,
“idx”: 1,
“docstatus”: 0,
“item_code”: “NGT.JK.04M”,
“item_name”: “NAUGHTY HIDDEN FILEDefault M M”,
“goods_delivery_item”: “e24abf1aa9”,
“expiration_date”: 1,
“batch”: 1,
“qty_packed”: 0.0,
“box_qty”: 0,
“status”: “OK”,
“doctype”: “Packing List Order Item”,
“__islocal”: 1
“parentfield”: “items”,
“parenttype”: “Packing List Order”,
“idx”: 2,
“docstatus”: 0,
“item_code”: “CZ.TS0017M”,
“item_name”: “CROOZ TETRIS - NAVY M M”,
“goods_delivery_item”: “5e45f4fcbc”,
“expiration_date”: 1,
“batch”: 1,
“qty_packed”: 0.0,
“box_qty”: 0,
“status”: “OK”,
“doctype”: “Packing List Order Item”,
“__islocal”: 1
“__unsaved”: 1

Thats not possible.
See also the following discussions

Thanks in advances Patrick, I Just curious how do I implement those one.