Capital expenditure report and operating expenditure report in ERPNext


I am currently testing ERPNext and would like to seek an assistance on the following:

  1. How to create Capital expenditure report on the ERPNext?
  2. How to create operating expenditure report on the ERPNext?

I have tried to search in forum, but no avail discussion on these.

Thank you in advance.



Hello Andrew,

You can create specific accounting groups and ledger for the capital and operational expense. Then you can check General Ledger report for those specific Group or Child Accounts.

For now, there is no readily available report for the said account. But if you setup your Chart of Account master accordingly, there are various reports you an report to, like Financial Analytics report in the Accounts module.

Hi Umair,

Could the “Is Fixed Asset Item” in Item master be used for this purpose to track Fixed Asset register items?
If this field is yes, what CoA ledgers are used?