Can we download whole Attachments of a document as a zip file on a single click?

Hello Guys,
I have douments in an Application Doctype in which several documents such as Passport , Course Cerificates etc are attached (around 25 soft copies) . Can we download all these attachments on a single click to a zip folder? Kindly Help me out …

Hi @Sebin_P_Sabu,

Please check in File Manager.

Thank You!

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Hey @NCP ,
Thanks for the reply.
1st of all , I can only see an option called “import zip”

and also what my scenario is " an applicant attaching 20+ files and those are displayed in sidebar. What I have to do is , I should be able to download all the atachments of that particular applicant’s attachments in a single zip file".

Sorry, @Sebin_P_Sabu,

It’s my mistake to not define the version.

It’s a feature in version 14 beta.

But version v13 have an option like:

Please check its code condition and why does not appear in File Manager.
