Calculation of Late Entries and Deduction of Salary

Yes, that’s right. I can make it auto but for better results it must be this way.

But if you don’t want to even press a button, then use the following code. Create the button for manual update, just in case you needed to update the numberof late days when it’s value is not zero and none of the required fields have been changed.

frappe.ui.form.on('Salary Slip', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        if (cint(frm.doc.number_of_late_days) === 0) frm.trigger('sync_number_of_late_days');
        frm.toggle_display('get_number_of_late_days', !frm.is_new());
    employee: function(frm) {
    start_date: function(frm) {
    end_date: function(frm) {
    get_number_of_late_days: function(frm) {
    update_number_of_late_days: function(frm) {
        if (!frm.is_new() && !frm.is_dirty()) return;
    sync_number_of_late_days: function(frm) {
        if (!frm.doc.employee || !frm.doc.start_date || !frm.doc.end_date) return;
        frappe.db.get_list('Attendance', {
            fields: ['name'],
            filters: {
                employee: frm.doc.employee,
                late_entry: 1,
                attendance_date: ['between', [frm.doc.start_date, frm.doc.end_date]]
        }).then(ret => {
            let count = ret.length, late_days = cint(frm.doc.number_of_late_days);
            if (count === late_days) return;
            frm.set_value('number_of_late_days', count);
            if (!frm.is_new()) {

The code will work as follows:

  • After the form is rendered, it will check if the value of number_of_late_days is zero, it will call the function
  • The update function will be triggered when any of the fields employee, start_date and end_date changes
  • The update function will check if the values of employee, start_date and end_date are available, it will update the number of late days
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Thanks… It works