Bench start error for V6?

21:33:49 workerbeat.1 | started with pid 3841
21:33:49 web.1 | started with pid 3842
21:33:49 worker.1 | started with pid 3844
21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | started with pid 3846

21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | process terminated
21:33:49 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes
21:33:49 system | sending SIGTERM to pid 3841
21:33:49 system | sending SIGTERM to pid 3842
21:33:49 system | sending SIGTERM to pid 3844
21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR ***
21:33:49 workerbeat.1 | process terminated
21:33:49 web.1 | process terminated
21:33:49 worker.1 | process terminated
21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | Reading the configuration file, at line 4
21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | >>> ‘auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb’
21:33:49 redis_cache.1 | Bad directive or wrong number of arguments

bench start error

Please read the trace. Seems like there is an error in the config file.