Barcodes and Integration

Hi there,

We recently purchased a home computer repair shop (we normally do commercial networks and consulting), and we’re now discovering that we need a good barcode management system to keep up with multiple things – both stock and workflow related things.

I found the option to show barcodes (Setup >> Stock >> Stock Settings >> Check “Show Barcode Field” on the right side, in case you too are looking)… So far this has given me a text field for a barcode for each item, but I’m not finding a way to

  1. Generate the actual barcode using a label printer. How do I do this?
  2. Put a cursor in a text field and scan a barcode, so it takes me right to the item. How do I do this?
  3. Assign/Generate a barcode for a task, timesheet, or project to take me directly to that item. How do I do this?
  4. I’m sure I’m missing some others as well.

So, who has a great walk through on barcodes with ERPNext? Does one exist yet?

Thanks, in advance!