Attendance Status

I don’t know if this is an error in the code, or a measure taken by the Devs, but the attendance status changed in the Attendance Form, does not reflect in the file.

Is this to avoid breaking the monthly report file? Or just an overlook?

@Tanuj No recent changes in attendance. can you explain?


When i changed the field “Status” in DocType “Attendance”, it reflected in the Attendance Form from HR>Attendance>New.

But, when i tried to upload attendance from HR>Tools, I got the error Status should be ‘Present’, ‘Absent’, or ‘Half Day’.

I could only fix this by manually updating the python files in /hr/doctype/attendance/ and /hr/report/monthly_attendance_sheet/

I had to change the line validate_status(self.status, [.....]) and update the attendance report accordingly.

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