Attach pdf file in item and attach it to quotation and as attachment to email


I have flow in which each item has some pdf booklet so at the time of quotation that booklet should be auto attach to the Quotation document and it should be auto attached as attachment to email of that particular quotation.
please suggest the solution.


Have you tried to solved it with an customscript?

Have you tried the standard functionality.

  1. When you have saved your quotation, click the attach link
  2. Click the EMail option on the menu
  3. Attach the file

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

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thank you @crafter

i know standard functionality. but in my case there are information pdf of item will be attached to each. so when we adding those items to quotation the pdf attached should be attach to that particular quotation.


not yet. can you give example? i am quite new to this.

Related but different. As we do a lot of drop ship we want to send supplier commercial invoice (which is a print format from Sales Order linked to that Purchase Order) in same email. How to modify the email window or create a special duplicate that allows selection of Sales Order print format in addition to Purchase Order print format and attaches both document prints.

Hi Sooraj, were you able to find solution for this, I am having same requirement.