Assets building

Hi Dears,
I am new in frappe and ERP Next and I go through the files and I have some issues with direction with Arabic Language so I need to update the css after debugging I found that styles are located in scss files where I found section to set rtl css

 /*rtl styles*/
.frappe-rtl {
text-align: right;
input, textarea {
	direction: rtl !important;

.checkbox .disp-area {
	margin-right: -20px;
	margin-left: 0px;


first when I tried to update in this file but now change happened then I found that bench build restore files from git repo then I update the build file to get asset from local but I need to know If it is the best approach or how I can do update like this in the efficient way where I need to put my updates directly in the scss not in assets in sites folder to be managed by build please advice
I appreciate your kind feedback
Best Regards :slight_smile:

You don’t need to do any of these traditional RTL tricks, erpnext fully support Arabic.