Appraisal document access

Appraisal document of employee is not access by supervisor/Approver.

below is my requirement:

  1. employee fill up the score by him self and save it.

after save it by employee it should access by supervisor to check the score fill by employee and supervisor will edit if needed. and supervisor will submit. But in my supervisor account, it is not showing. Only showing him self appraisal. Not showing his employee Appraisal.

in above screen short is in supervisor account. its showing only his appraisal.

  1. i give Pms Approver role and HR Manager Role.

This seems to be User Permission issue.

You can fix this by deleting User Permission for Kelzang Yuden with Employee doctype.

Refer the screenshot below:

After doing this, Kelzang Yuden will have access to every Employee record.

For more granular permission tweaks please checkout following links:
Role Based Permissions
User Permissions


Thanks surajshetty