Anyone else having trouble with the latest update?

Once we ran an update to to v2.0.1 as a part of the latest patch we would get pretty ridiculously rapid requests being made. We had to downgrade it to v1.7.4 to make our server stable again, because just logging in the system would cause a ridiculous amount of requests ultimately DDOSing our own server.

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You need to update your frappe file to version 2. Sorry did not consider bench being used for old versions.

Is there any other workaround other than checking out a single file from the master branch or keeping the socketio version at 1.7.4? Currently we’ve locked our frappe and erpnext to v7.x.x branch and we plan to move to v8 once we are certain of its stability with our custom apps.

Easiest to just update the in the 7.x branch

Unfortunately in the install ansible, we just use npm install socket without pinning to a version. Created an issue for pinning npm libs, but its not yet implemented.

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@vjFaLk, hello!
I did fresh install of v7 frappe and newest version of also did rapid requests.

sudo npm install

did the trick for me.
Hope this will help you too.