All Products - product price not displayed


Am I missing something when “All Products” shows you all the products, product name/description and “more details” but no price?

I can only see the price when I drill down onto a product itself?

Hi Reese,

Are you saying that you need to see the price as you make a transaction on ERPNext. A transaction such as a quotation, sales order, delivery note, sales invoice?



Hi Jay.

Sorry, I mean when you view all-products (the default products/shop page) you see all the products in the shop.
You see description, item name and view more button but no price until you actually browse to the specific product.


I do expect it to show the price though, but it doesn’t until I go to the actual product:

(FYI, it doesn’t matter if the item is in stock or not, it still doesn’t display.

Dear @Reese_Jenner ; you mean like this show in image.

am i right ??

Yes, I think so, (assuming you’re viewing all products)

this need to be customize. kindly touch with service provider/freelancer.