Advice on education module setup for small nonprofit organization that teaches small courses

Hello, ERPNext community,
I’m new to the ERPNext system and I want to implement it to a very small nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Mexico women which from time to time offers small courses that helps them to earn some extra money. This courses usually last 1 or 2 weeks and get imparted more than one day a week and I’m wondering if the Course Schedule, or Course Scheduling tool support this because so far I’ve only been able to pick one single day.

I know that I can use the course scheduling tool to repeat the same course on the same day over a period of time, so I guess I could just repeat this process for any number of days I need but the thing is that this problem makes me wonder if my current setup is right for a small education organization.

Because this is a very small organization, I was planning on starting with only with what I think is the very essential stuff like a room, student group, course, instructor and students and ignoring some other configurations that seem to be required by more formal education organizations like the academic term, academic year and student batches.

In other words, what I was hoping to achieve is to be able to:

a ) Create any simple course like Cooking, or Home Accounting.
b) To schedule these courses for 2 or 3 days a week, for 2 weeks.
c) Add some students to these courses.

I’d even ignore the student groups if it wasn’t required for course scheduling. For now, I think I’d just create groups like COOKING-JULY-2019 or something like that.

Would this work? I’m asking for advice because not only I’m new to ERPNext system but to education organization management overall ( and so are the organization owners)

I do not need anything overcomplicated, any setup that helps them to keep control of what I previously mentioned will do. Also, just in case you’re wondering I recommended ERPNext system to them because I’ve worked with ERP systems in the past and I know that eventually, once they learn how to use it and feel comfortable with it, they can also start taking advantage of some other modules like ‘Nonprofit’, ‘Healthcare’ and ‘Stock’

Kind Regards
Enrique Sierra