Address Missing: Germany Name does not show in PO/Invoice

Hello everyone,

I would like to share what I think that might be a bug. The situation is quite simple.
Basically for a customer that has an address in Germany, the country itself does not appear in the Address part of the Invoice/PO.

Please see below. As an example, Client A was created.
The address should be the following:

Client A
Address Line A
Address Line B
10000, City A

but Germany does not appear.

For other countries (France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden) there is no similar problem.

Thank you
Pedro Moutinho


Please set an Address Template.
Add country in Template.

More Information for check it, please.

Thank You!

Hello @NCP ,

Thank you very much for your support.
It works now. It seems that there was already a template for Germany and the “country” field was missing. Added as you described.

Pedro Moutinho