Adding custom menu item in menu button

I would like to know how to add custom item in menu button’s drop down

i wan to add one more item in above drop down can please help me to find that

It’s not configurable. Can you please share the usecase?

Can be customized for a form view, for list view, only DocTypes from custom app can add menu item.

function menu_action(){frappe.msgprint("Hello")}"Hello Menu",menu_action);

@umair i want to add selected data in other doctype.
so i wish to add new menu item in menu’s dropdown

@revant_one i think this what i looking for can you please direct me to an example or documenation if available

thanks for valuable information

We had to add bulk submit option in Sales Invoice.
We did the following:

I cant find documentation for this, but I read this in erpnext code.
Hope it helps.


@fahimalizain thanks this worked fine and this is what i am looking and thanks again for giving me some additional knowledge also @revant_one