Adding custom doctype in the core module workspace

Hello there! I’m new to Erpnext and Frappe. I need some help on adding new menu in the core module without changing the core module. For example: I have created a new doctype called Phases in my custom app and I need this doctype to be added under Projects(Core) Workspace. I also tried to add python file in the config folder but nothing helped me.

Thanks in advance!! :slight_smile:

@ibalajib Refer this link relatable to you


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Thanks @Bhushan for your reply! I’ll check it out.

Hi @Bhushan The video explains on adding link cards and shortcuts to our custom module but I need my doctype to be shown under core module link cards or workspace.

it’s done the same way, as shown in the video. you need to go to the workspace to which you want to add the doctype shortcut and add the desired shortcut save. it will appear in the standard workspace.

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