Add fetch question

Hi @Coders,

from looking at your screenshots it seems that you only have the addfetch, but as @kevingee points out are maybe missing a trigger? Are you sure your code is executed? Insert a frappe.msgprint(“…”); in front of the code and check if it gets displayed. If not, check your triggers. Maybe something like

 frappe.ui.form.on("Your DocType", {
   refresh: function(frm) {
     // cur_frm.add_fetch("link_field_name", "source_field_name", "target_field_name");
     cur_frm.add_fetch("employee_name", "date_of_join", "date_of_join");

Also, make sure the custom script is located in the right DocType…

Hope this helps.

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Hi everyone,
Can I use custom scripts for Custom Page? Because this is not doctype how I can call frm or cur_frm for Page?
Thank you.