Add Fetch not working for Advance Account field in Employee Advance


I have created a custom link field ‘Advance Account’ in the Employee form and I have an Add Fetch script to add this to the Employee Advance form but it doesn’t seem to work when I launch a new form. If however I re-select the Employee ID on the form, the Advance Account gets updated accordingly

Any ideas why this is happening and how to get around it?


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Add_fetch triggers when you select value in link field. Based on selected value system pulls dependent value.

Hi @saurabh6790

Good to hear from you. Yes, I understand the way it works and I’ve applied it in a number of places. Ideally, the Advance Account field should immediately fetch data from the Employee master once the Employee Advance form is launched. In this case however, I need to first of all remove the Employee ID from the Employee field and then select it again before the Advance Account gets fetched!

When I test with other fields on the form, data gets fetched on loading the form as expected. Could it be that the default JS code which picks Default Advance Account from the Company master is interfering with the add_fetch script?

Pls advise


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Any suggestions here will be much appreciated
