A lot of website users created by Guest

I installed a test site, seems it is running normally, except each day, there are a lof of website users created by Guest.

The users are in this format:




Is it normal? Am I being cracked?

@kissmoi depends on how much traffic you are getting on your site.

Do you mean it is normal that Guest creat website users, less users for less traffic and more users for more traffic?

@kissmoi you can disable signup via login page if you don’t want people visiting your website to create a guest account. Just go to Website Settings and check ‘Disable Signup’

Thanks for your reply.

I followed the easy way of installing( wget …, sudo bash setup_frappe.sh --setup-production). On the default webpage, there is no signup link, only Login button so administrator and added users can login.

Is Erpnext designed that each visitor will create a website user in the backend? It seems that these website users are all created by the user Guest.

Yesterday I installed a new instance, by easy way ( wget …, sudo bash setup_frappe.sh --setup-production)

This time there isno user created, but over 110 of scheduler log, created by Administrator, which I actually didn’t.

Click one log, get below:

Full error:

Method: all, Handler: frappe.email.bulk.flush
Traceback (innermost last):
File “/home/kissme/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/tasks.py”, line 89, in scheduler_task
File “/home/kissme/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/email/bulk.py”, line 235, in flush
smtpserver = SMTPServer()
File “/home/kissme/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/email/smtp.py”, line 117, in init
File “/home/kissme/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/email/smtp.py”, line 120, in setup_email_account
self.email_account = get_outgoing_email_account(raise_exception_not_set=False, append_to=append_to)
File “/home/kissme/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/email/smtp.py”, line 62, in get_outgoing_email_account
email_account.default_sender = email.utils.formataddr((email_account.name,
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘name’

What the hell is going on?

@kissmoi can you start a new questions on a new topic? I was almost not going to see this.

Pushed a fix.