504 Timeout on putting letterhead image

When i include the image in the letterhead the system gives timeout 504 error. The letter head size is around 20-50 KB, it takes a lot of time to process and at the end the error comes timeout.

anyone ?

Share a screenshot of Letterhead or script.

<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="/files/english.png" style="width: 15%;"><br></div>

Seems like your file is not available.

check my script

letterhead preview

Attach new file and check with it’s file path

Thank you for your reply sangram : here is the output

Letter head preview :

And the issue is still the same on pdf generation the error comes 504 timeout.


While checking this I got another issue. If I add letterhead and tried to make PDF of print.

PDF is showing this




For me the print is working perfectly , the issue comes when i put the letterhead and generate the pdf.

Anyone have the solution for this 504 timeout error. I cannot configure letterhead with a picture due to this issue.