Warehouse - is not linked to any account

While transferring material from Warehouse Stores to Work in Progress Warehouse we are getting the following error.

“Warehouse Stores - GCM is not linked to any account, please mention the account in the warehouse record or set default inventory account in company Global Custom Metal.”

Warehouse Store’s Parent Warehouse shows correct Warehouse

Note: We have seen this in Canadian Company, this doesnt seems to be an issue if we setup a US company.

Which version of erpnext are you using?

You forgot to create the corresponding account in Chart of Accounts.

ERPNext: v10.1.42 (master)

Frappe Framework: v10.1.39 (master)

Thanks for pointing this out… is there a manual I can refer to do this?
Its difficult to do anything on the chart of account as everything is in French, even though we have setup the company as Canadian with English as language.

This is a known issue at the moment:


This has been fixed in the upcoming version where you can select the COA in the setup wizard.

I don’t use this functionality (yet), so I am not experiencing the problems, but I have a question on the topic (out of curiosity).
In the upcoming version you can select the CoA in setup…will/how will this affect legacy systems that are already set up? Or does the new version take the change(s) into account already?