Use Multi-Level Bom with no Default set

Hi all,
Don’t know if anyone has this or h dad this small issue… That can be solved by setting up differently but worth to find if possible…

  1. Bom Apple Yogurt
    1.1 basic yogurt (should ask to select 2 or 3 BOML
    1.2 package for yogurt

  2. BOM Basic Yogurt - 1 (not default)
    2.1 all required raw materials
    2.2 scraps included

  3. BOM Basic Yogurt - 2 (not default)
    3.1 all required raw materials
    3.2 extra component
    3.3 scraps included

Now when producing and with Use Multi-Level Bom enabled I should be able to select what BOM (2 or 3) to use as the sub-Level of the BOM Basic yogurt which is not applicable.

Temp. Solution will be to disable Multi-Level and create all from the 2 and 3 on the main BOM (ending with 2 Boms) of the product to produce.
