Some POS questions

Hi All,

I’m testing ERPNext for our company, we import, wholesale, retail and e-commerce Asian products. We are looking for a system that we also can use a POS for our retail and warehouse sales. Regarding POS I have some questions/request;

  • SOLVED Can we use the POS in our retail store without having to set a customer every order?
  • GITHUB Would it be possible to drop some extra steps like “Do you really want to submit the invoice?” and “Sales invoice submitted sucessfully.”
  • Possible to display payment button on the POS page?
  • Possible to display popular products button on the POS page?
  • POS is locked after a sale, auto start new sale. Or message that current sale is finished.
  • SOLVED Possible to park a order and start a new one?
  • Limit max discount per user
  • More touchscreen friendly
  • Use own CSS in the POS


PS: We use now Odoo8 POS very nice except for the HUGE Odoo back-end!

To do this

  1. Create a Customer named “Default Customer” or Anonymous Customer" in Customer
  2. In POS Profile, select this customer as Customer

Theres an issue for that. If you comment on the issue and show interest, then its more likely that someone will take it up.

Yes. Just Click “new” and you can process a new order. You can view Parked orders by clicking on “Menu” and “View Offline Records”

Thanks, just updated my list and changed some things in ERPNext.

I’m not sure I understand this. But there is a “Pay” button on the POS page. You’ll have to be more clear about this.

Probably discuss your ideas at New POS interface - Please contribute to the bounty :) [Now $1010!]

Isn’t this the “Sales invoice submitted sucessfully” message you want to remove?

You’ll most likely have to specify the areas which you think don’t work well currently and need improvement.

Hi @nosite,

We have removed the some steps from the POS, please check


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just did a update tot 7.1.1 testing next days.