Print Heading for Customized Print Format Header - Continue

To continue from following post as it’s closed, we face issue as narrated below.

Now, here we face another issue. When we put value in print heading (For Eg. “Proforma Invoice”) it shows the heading. But when there is no value in Print Heading Field, it shows none.

For Standard Print format, it shows the value as doc name (i.e. in this case “Sales Order”) if Print Heading field is blank.

Kindly advise, how to handle this.

change code {{ doc.print_heading }} to {{ doc.print_heading or ""}}

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change code {{ doc.print_heading }} to {{ doc.print_heading or “”}}
where do i edit the above code in custom print format

Got it

Hi all,


I need to remove Rp, how to do it Search results for 'customize printing' - Frappe Forum?



Try this

{{ row.rate }}
{{ row.amount }}

Please share your code.

Hi @anandhuded2,

Where I can insert the codes?
Is there a Sales Invoice Print Format file on the server ? Where is it?

Thank you brother.


You need to create a new custom print format. Go through the below link

Thank you @anandhuded2, maybe I have to learn more. The scripts is not complete.