Print Barcode in DN

Hi, I need to print the barcode of serial number of item in DN, could anybody guide clearly?

I too would like to know how to pull item barcode from Item Master and place it into a print view. What is the code to do this?

Use js barcode to generate a barcode.

The field exists in Delivery Note:

All you need to do to print Barcode is to fetch it in Print Format.
Use Print Format Builder to fetch it from the Items Table:

Now add the Barcode field:

Once done, it will reflect in your Print View.

I don’t see barcode in supplier doctype.
Can someone support ?
Also in Purchase Receipt Doc Type, Barcode is enabled, but it is not getting printed.

Its showing like this. Is there an option where I can have it printed as a barcode.(not numbers)

Hello, How can I put the Barcode field in Stock Entry?

Thank you