Prepaid subscription invoices

Hey guys,

Subscription module should have the ability to generate prebilled invoices.

  1. Introduce a field prebilled. This makes it possible to send out invoices to customer who paid for the subscription beforehand. Proration logic needs to account in this change.
  2. Would be nice to have a separate coupon module which can be associated with a customer. These coupons are then redeemable from the subscription. ERPNext already has discounts on subscription doctype. But it would be nice to have a separate coupon management mechanism. Other Features highlights coupon and loyalty points.

We can also take in ideas from How subscriptions work | Stripe Documentation

Would love to hear the ideas


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Next step would be a to make a more detailed spec. see this Preparing a Contribution Proposal · frappe/erpnext Wiki · GitHub

I thought we would be discussing about the feature request here instead of jumping to a github issue / PR.