Post-Dated Leave Status not appended to monthly attendance report

Hi all, i noticed that post-dated leave status is not appended to monthly attendance report. If for instance a leave application is processed before the leave duration occurs, it doesn’t show up on the monthly attendance report. if however, the leave application is processed after the leave duration has elapsed, it will show up on the monthly attendance report. How can this be fixed?

can you please give an example with the dates, and submission time?

Here is a leave application processed after the leave duration has elapsed:

Here is the leave appended to monthly attendance report:


Here is a leave application processed for a future leave duration:

Here is the attendance report for the reflected dates blank

you can see that only the first leave processed for the same employee registered on the report.

Did you get solution for this issue. If so, please share. Thanks

Hi, We have similar problem. Can you advice. Post dated approved leaves do not appear in monthly attendance sheet. Leave applied from 19 Dec - 27 Dec 2019. When you check Attendance on 30th Dec 2019, dates from 19 Dec - 27 Dec is empty. Kindly advice.