PayPal "Pay" Button from Website outputs JSON

Hi all,

First, I have read this thread before, but in that instance there was a typo in the Payment Gateway. This is no longer the case now (It’s PayPal in my output, as noted by the OP).

That said though, I am getting essentially the same outcome, where when I click on the Pay button I just see a JSON output (see below, note I x’d out my URL and client email).

{"message":{"payment_url":"","creation":"2016-07-18 17:39:16.260568","doctype":"Payment Request","currency":"CAD","owner":"","message":"Please click on the link below to make your payment","subject":"Payment Request for SINV-08800001","reference_doctype":"Sales Invoice","modified_by":"","docstatus":1,"status":"Draft","reference_name":"SINV-08800001","mute_email":0,"email_to":"","payment_gateway_account":"PayPal - CAD","payment_account":"PayPal - LG","grand_total":45.2,"name":"PR000001","idx":0,"modified":"2016-07-18 17:39:16.281243","make_sales_invoice":0,"payment_gateway":"PayPal"}}

Any ideas on what I can do?


@Nathaniel_Bagnell Thanks for reporting, we will check this and update you soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi @saurabh6790, not a problem, thank you for acknowledging!