OAuth 2 provider for Frappe Apps

Thank you for contribution.
Does this provider support OAuth 1 as well? Just curious because oauthlib supports both 1 and 2 versions of OAuth.

After reading Wikipedia article, thought that this guide can be useful: http://www.oauthsecurity.com/

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I’ve only added OAuth2 support.

Further development:



OpenID connect and Social Login for Frappe is now added


I’ve tested it few times.

Developers outside frappe ecosystem can now use their platforms along with frappe.

Now we can develop microservices!

example bearer token with id_token

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Imp3dCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL21udGVjaG5pcXVlLmNvbSIsImF0X2hhc2giOiJOQlFXbExJUy1lQ1BXd1d4Y0EwaVpnIiwiYXVkIjoiYjg3NzJhZWQ1YyIsImV4cCI6MTQ3Nzk1NTYzMywic3ViIjoiNWFjNDE2NThkZjFiZTE1MjI4M2QxYTk0YjhmYzcwNDIifQ.1GRvhk5wNoR4GWoeQfleEDgtLS5nvj9nsO4xd8QE-Uk",
  "access_token": "ZJD04ldyyvjuAngjgBrgHwxcOig4vW",
  "scope": "openid",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "2pBTDTGhjzs2EWRkcNV1N67yw0nizS"

Part 1 : on Frappe Identity Provider (IDP)

Login to IDP

Add OAuth Client on IDP

Set Server URL on IDP

Part 2 : on Frappe App Server

Set Frappe Client ID and Frappe Client Secret on App server (refer the client set on IDP)

Note: Frappe Server URL is the main server where identities from your organization are stored.

Login Screen on App Server (login using frappe)

Part 3 : Redirected on IDP

login with user on IDP

Confirm Access on IDP

Part 4 : Back on App Server

Logged in on app server with ID from IDP


Thanks! This was really usefull!

I was wondering if there is any way to easily import roles from IDP to App Server.

As of right now I am thinking about making the following steps:

  • Allow to specify scope in frappe provider in OAuth Provider Settings

  • Create a new scope called roles

  • Include active roles on the profile callback

    • Change “openid_profile” to a more generic profile?
  • Modify “update_oauth_user” in order to update roles on login

Do you think I am missing any steps?

As a last question, I saw on Github you were planning on using the OAUTH Token to query the API, is there any progress on this?


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OAuth 2 Token from all request headers is validated.
this way it is working with many standard oauth2 clients like python rauth, postman.
I managed to connect Android Authenticator/SyncAdapter using standard OAuth2 Flow.

Community is also discussing about Magento OAuth 2 connector


Right now, access_token stores user and set the stored user in validate_oauth()

This gives access_token all the permissions user has.

Scopes are validated, i.e only the scopes stored in oauth 2 client are valid.

also if openid is present in scope id_token is sent along with response

So if you have ideas to connect scopes and roles it’ll be awesome!

For the steps, go for it! Fork Frappe develop branch and create a feature branch on your fork. Tag me on PR I’ll collaborate.

All above apps must not break after upgrade, If there is some change required we will also have to update documentation.

openid_profile endpoint
Standard Claims Draft: OpenID Connect Basic Client Profile 1.0 - draft 28

Roles Can be additional claim as mentioned Draft: OpenID Connect Basic Client Profile 1.0 - draft 28

I am having JSONDecodeError here. Any idea?

Have you set Frappe Server URL under social login keys?

Hi revant_one,

I kept reading every post related to OAuth2 on the forum, but I’m still scratching my head what’s next.

I have a form login on android which user login through api http://frappe.local:8000/api/method/login
I use CookieManager but I want user keep login unless they logout. Then I started reading Oauth2 on forum as session never expired by using refresh_token.

I successfully setup OAuth2 on server and I expected it works like:
User log in the form in the App, by username & password then got access_token and refresh_token back… in response.
But it seems not. I might misunderstand about OAuth2. https://frappe.io/docs/user/en/guides/integration/using_oauth

Can you just tell the flow of user login by form and get get_token back?

Following is explanation of Authorization Code / Refresh Token grant.

first call : authorize

It checks if user is logged in,

if user is logged and authorizes the access to resource the server return a “Authorization Code” to the redirect uri. i.e your app

Processing response of first call:

there is an endpoint on your app that accepts GET request. the Auth Code comes back here as a parameter. e.g. /process_code?code=abc123

Second call : get_token

take the Auth code caught on the redirect url endpoint in the processing step above, and ask for a token with this code. (make POST request or use oauth client libraries available)

This time the response is the bearer token. Use this bearer_token.access_token for access.

Third call get_token (on expiry of previous bearer token)

Use bearer_token.refresh_token to get new bearer_token seamlessly.

Fourth call (to keep the server clean from used up tokens, optional but recommended)

you can revoke_token the expired bearer token after you refresh token.


Thanks revant_one,

I’m crystal clear how it works now.

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Hi @revant_one
I would like to thank you for your explanation about OAuth 2 . I already used it in my mobile app., and followed your instructions in this topic and in the others, but I want more explanation about revoke_token,the purpose? and when I should do it ?
Also , Is the OAuth 2 always depends on the cookies and sessions data?
the last question is about refresh_token, I can not have any response from it, althought I used the responded token from get_token as mentioned here https://frappe.io/docs/user/en/guides/integration/using_oauth
but I got this msg


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revoke_token endpoint revokes the bearer_token. Revoke token after using refresh_token and getting a new valid token, revoke the expired token. This way it is cleaned up from server

  • Any client connected using it will be revoked.
  • If token is expired, refresh_token remains valid.
  • If token is revoked, refresh_token can’t be used and
  • Revoked tokens will be cleaned up from the server

No it doesn’t depend on cookies or session, It just checks for valid access token in header instead of cookie in header.

The only place where it depend on browser and cookies is the “authorization screen”; the allow/deny app screen.

OAuth Client > Advance Settings > Grant Type select Authorization Code
Response Type select Code

Implicit/Token doesn’t allow refreshing the token.

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Thanks @revant_one
But about refresh_token, I already fill the same values in my site, and the same response

Can you share the Postman requests in Python / CURL?

Here my request and the same result :frowning:

@revant_one I have some trubbles with OAuth 2 authorization way,
Now I used it in my mobile app as the following steps:

  • get the authorization code and login using frappe.integrations.oauth2.authorize
  • get the token of that code by frappe.integrations.oauth2.get_token
  • call the first frappe api “api/resource/Attendance” with Authorizaton: Bearer <bearer_token>

now the problem is when another user tried to login and call an api, it will execute it with the last authorized user!
Is it important to do the authorize and get the token process in each api call?
give me the right way and concept to do that in frappe plz

The token is tied to user, if that specific token is used it is like making request as that user.

As long as user is logged in to a session on a browser, authorize endpoint is accessed through browser with existing session.

No, you can use the token for 1 hr. Then refresh it.

My case is with Mobile app that call some api’s from frappe, now I noticed that the requests depends on the user session, but in my Mobile app i just used the Auth 2 authorization to get a token in order to be in all the user request. and when i apply this logic, I faced a problem with multi user login, as my frappe server always using the last bearer token stored in the auth table, so when any user call an api it will called with the last stored token whatever whom the logged user.
I can not solve it by this protocol, but I need a solution to complete my app perfectly, Is this way is right for my case as you see?

You can achieve multi user login by storing multiple tokens. A token for user in your mobile app.

Only for the Authorization part the session is required. the screen where user is asked the app is trying to access resource, and user has to allow or deny.

In case you use the Library it clears the webview before showing the authorization screen.
(i.e. clear cache, remove cookies)

In this case the webview for logging in always shows login screen instead of Allow Deny screen or session login.

Once the token is with mobile app, just use it for accessing resource. refresh it in case it expires, no need to login again.

If you don’t wish to use web view, create your own view and make a request from there, use ROPC grant, in this case you make request with username and password to get bearer token.

DO NOT store username and password, just store the bearer token and refresh it as required.

More : OAuth 2.0 : Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant by revant · Pull Request #5226 · frappe/frappe · GitHub

If it is Android/Java app use this library GitHub - mntechnique/OAuth2Authenticator

Also noticed, you are using GET request for creating a token?

Use POST request in case of get_token endpoint

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