New workflow or new DocType?


I have 3-4 different types of sales pipelines and each of them has different stages in the pipeline. I gather that this can be implemented as a custom Workflow or a DocType, which do I choose? If workflow, should I make the multiple workflows or the same workflow with different states for each?

Some examples of pipelines:

  • influencer pipeline has stages like lead, contacted, contract signed, device sent, reviews made, email sent.
  • referral pipeline has stages like lead, contacted, meeting set, device tried, intro made
  • researcher pipeline has stages like lead, contacted, meeting set, study planned, grant found, grant applied to
  • job candidate pipeline has stages like lead, phone screen, interviewed, offer made
  • grant pipeline has stages like lead, partner found, proposal submitted, plan made, budget set, grant submitted


This may help discern the case for either one Using document status instead of Workflow State