Importing WebERP legacy data

Has anyone ever migrated/converted/imported a weberp system into ERPNext?

Also, is it possible to set the base numbers for things like purchase order (ie. How can I set the system to start from say [PO]100237)

Check this thread

Thank you very much!

I’m a long time webERP user and recently transitioning to ERPNext too. I believe there’s no easy way to do the migration between two ERP systems.

You need to extract the data that you want to keep and put it into .csv or xls file, then map it to ERPNext and importing it using the “Data Import Tool”.

As for myself, we migrate the master data like: customers, items & suppliers but not the transactions. That way for us will keep things easier.

Good luck & welcome to ERPNext @trentmu :wink:

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Thanks for the help guys. I have checked and successfully used the import for some of my data items.
What I’d like to check is this…
If I capture legacy/backdated data - I would (probably) do it in a sequence like this…1) suppliers, 2) purchases, 3) BOM/productions, Sales/POS. Once all that is caught up, the data would obviously be kept “live” without the need to repeat this, but to get there…
Will the ERPNext system “rebuild” all the dates/sequences or is it essential to do it in chronological order by date? (Please excuse my ignorance - I am still learning).

Can I change the transaction dates to do this (& how)?