How to include values from two doctype in report filters

Can someone please help me to include or display values from two doctypes (Supplier and Customer) in a single filters option in report.
“filters”: [
“label”: __(“Party”),
“fieldtype”: “Select”,
“get_options”: function() {{
method: ‘erpnext.accounts.general_ledger.get_parties’,
args: {
“inter_company”: 1,
callback: function(r) {
options = [];
for (i = 0; i < r.message.length; i++) {
options[i]= r.message[i];
return options;

You can develop your custom api that get all the data from custom and supplier.

Have you done before. I am not able to do. I would appreciate if you can provide some guide

Why not two different filters ?

Because we have some common customer and supplier and I want to display receivable and payable . So I want to display it in a single filter

Yes, You can use dynamic link as well.

I will be grateful if you can share me some examples or guide

Example of Dynamic Link:

Invoice Type and Invoice Number

You can use customer and supplier as type:

I am not able to understand what you are saying

There is one field type “Dynamic Link”, you can use it for that.