How to customise left side bar menu?

HI everyone,
I need to show only my custom created app in the left side menu inside any module. When I go inside my module i can see some other modules in erpnext. I have linked some other doctypes like,supplier, customer in my module. I believe this is the reason for showing Selling and purchasing modules along with my custom module.

Anybody know how to hide these module names from left side menu?


Hi, I believe you have to edit what is in frappe. I don’t think there is a quick/easy customization on it right now. But let me ask, why do you want it to be hidden? for restrictions? if for restrictions you can setup it on User Permissions Manager

Hi @johnskywalker

Thank you @johnskywalker for the reply.
It is the client requirement that the side menu shows only the custom app menu. Some users would like to see only their app. Doesn’t like to see other module names. I have added restrictions by User/Role Permission Manager. And I have linked the docs Supplier and Customer in the custom app itself. So no need to show the Selling and Buying module names in left side menu. That’s the reason.
Any solution?
Thank you

Hello I think you really need to edit the .js file in frappe if you want it customized. I’ll just warn you ahead that if you are going to bench update later it will surely give you an error that is about conflict/merge.


Ok… Thank You…

Really wish to have such a facility in ERPNext! to customize.

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There should be a cusomize form for sidebars and dashboards.

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Any news on this?

My users have very little permissions and yet their left menu still lists a lot of completely unrelated things.

How can I hide unused things in the left menu?


If you are using version 13 then you can change it using change in Allow Modules section in user profile.

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How about inserting a custom module on the left?

You can add it in sidebar using workspace.
create one workspace under you custom module. and also you need to allow this module from user setting.

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Thanks for your response :pray:

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welcome @joeK :slight_smile:
If you got your solution then please mark it as solution.

Thanks and Regards
Akshay Prajapati


Here are the 2 ways to customize the left side bar:
1, you can simply edit the workspace (There are 2 buttons on the top right of the screen that are called: Create Workspace and Edit) to hide the menus, then other users won’t see that item eg Accounting any more. but admin user may unhide it.
2. Also click edit, find the item you want to hide, click 3 dots next to it, Edit, uncheck the Public, then update. in this way the item will be private to administrator, and other users won’t see any more.
Please keep in mind that other admin users also have such capabilities, and they can hide the left bar items. in order to prevent other admin users do the same, just simply go to users role page, find Workspace Manager, and disable it.

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