Git Help - Open Pull request

I sent a pull request which is open.
There were updates to the upstream manual_erpnext_com so I followed Git Help - Sync my repo (frappe fork) to latest frappe repo - #3 by rmehta to update my repo to latest

git pull --rebase upstream master
git push

I didn’t change anything yet I git pushed
Now my open pull request has one more commit which is not mine.

Later, I searched “old_images” in all files and I plan to replace the old screenshots one by one.

Whenever I push changes, my open pull request will have those changes?
Then the subject of the pull request becomes irrelevant, Should I edit subject and comments accordingly?
Should I continue to replace screenshots and push changes and not worry about pull request?
Should I from time to time sync my repo with frappe repo irrespective of my edits?

@revant_one Thanks for contributing :slight_smile: Just accepted your pull request.

There is no right answer, but you can keep pushing to the same branch / pull request as long as the pull request is open.

Or you can make a new branch for each update.

Make sure to rebase using git pull --rebase upstream master regularly!

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