Export Doctype Template and import

Hello All,

I want ot know if i have to export doctype and import that doctype into my another erp then how it will be possible via data import/export tool.

Eg: : I have made one custom doctype with some fields on my development server and after that i exported that doctype template from data import/export tool.

Now i want to make same doctype with those fields on my another sever so i tried to import that doctype template which i have exported but it gives me error ( " No Data " ) So anyone tell me about this for how to import doctype.

Make a Custom app…if you are making a new doctype with Module names as Standard modules then you are on the wrong track.

to make new doctypes, first make a new_app on github and then make new doctype on your test system where the module name could be the name of your custom_app, then once all things are done you can install your app on number of systems and there is no need to create doctypes in each system individually.

Read about bench and making a new-app


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Thank you for your quick responce. I have made a new app and in that app i have created doctype. After completing my app customisation i want to upload that app on another server. All steps again followed for another server. Just i have not uploaded my app on github. I uploaded my app code from one server to another server via FTP tool.

How import backend related work as doctype and fields from one server to another server. in this case what i have to do ?

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Anyone have idea about this. Please reply on this

@Harsh_Mehta You would need to install the custom app to your site. Try to read something on the bench a good starting point would be :
