Expense Claim additional Checker

Hello everyone!

i would like to change some additional for the expense claim work flow like the leave application workflow. It has a middle checker before it proceed to the final approval. But it does not proceed to the final approval. can anyone help me about this issue??
this is my workflow i made…

it went well 1st and 2nd transition rules but in the third transition it bounce an error.pcferror

Thats a validation related to the field in the Expense Claim which has to be update as Approved or Rejected, then workflow state should be changed.

hello sir i change my workflow please see the picture below.

i get another problem after the expense approver will approved base on the states on the above picture…

  1. on the expense claim list view of the the status has approved shown in the picture below…which is good.
    but when i click to view that expense claim that has been approved by the expense approver it shows that the approval status is draft and it indicates not saved… see the picture below …
    This occur after the approval. how can i change this scenario.

After approval of an individual’s expense report by approvers, an expense auditor can examine, verify, and if necessary, adjust or short pay any expense report amounts. Expense auditors can take the following actions:

Complete audits.

Reject expense reports.

Request additional information from individuals.

Warn individuals.

Waive receipts.

Release payment holds.

Confirm managers’ approval.

Return approved expense reports to individuals.

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Thank you for the clarification… :slight_smile: