Error: setup default incoming email email: 'replies@...'

I want to setup a default outgoing email.

If I fill in the fields according to the manual I get this error: ‘Mandatory fields required in Email Account: Append To’

  1. why is ‘append to’ mandatory?

In the video I see this screen where notifications and replies do not have an ‘append to’ field:

2- should I select ‘enable outgoing’? (I already setup a default outgoing account: notifications@…). why?
3- what is the benefit to have multiple outgoing email accounts?

4- can i use email aliases for incoming mails (like sales, issues, jobs, etc)

5- and for outgoing mails?

I read all docs and video, but still I find the email configuration very confusing, and I have no clue what the effect of many options and combinations is.

thanks for bearing with me :slight_smile:

@pee Please find my replies below:

1… why is ‘append to’ mandatory?

If you check “Enable Incoming” then “Append To” is mandatory.

2… should I select ‘enable outgoing’? (I already setup a default outgoing account: notifications@…). why?

*You can select default outgoing if you want to send all out going emails from one email id and if you want to send emails for one particular DocType then you can check “Enable Outgoing” for that.

3… what is the benefit to have multiple outgoing email accounts?

For example, if you want to send your Sales Invoice and Purchase Invoice from different email accounts then you can achieve that with multiple outgoing email accounts feature.

4… can i use email aliases for incoming mails (like sales, issues, jobs, etc)
5… and for outgoing mails?

Email accounts- “Notifications” and “Replies” can be used as alias as emails sent and received from any email id will appear as

Hope this helps.

Thanks @shachiTakalkar,

About 4&5:

so if I can have all my email aliases

so when I have the aliases,,, that all point to the ‘master’ email

  1. There will be no problems or mixups when I use the corresponding aliases in erpnext (because ultimately they all point to the same mailbox

  2. I mean will be there no difference if I use aliases (with one mailbox), or proper email account addresses (multiple mailboxes)?

I am also interested in this topic, as I would like to have a single email account to use with ERPNext, but use aliases to split the incoming emails to different areas. This worked great with Odoo, but does not appear to work with ERPNext, is this so?

I am trying to achieve the same thing as pee: have an account like, then aliases:

I did not find a definite answer anywhere, so can someone confirm if I can use such a setup (1 mail account + aliases for incoming and outgoing mails), or if ERPNext actually requires an email account for each email type?

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From my tests, it appears that ERPNext cannot use Aliases as Odoo could. You actually have to create an email account for each Mail Account in ERPNext.

In case I am mistaken, please correct me.

any news on this?

Could somebody have a final answer about this? I’m facing the same issue. I use GSuite, so is not suitable for me to pay 6$/monthly for every e-mail account when I could handle it together in just one with aliases.

