Error not show on submit for normal user , just submit not work

I have problem , in data entry for example i want to save delivery note but serial number not correct , with normal user when i want to save erpnext dosn’t show any error on submit juts noting happened when i want to submit and document not submit .
but when i login with administrator user and try to submit same document that has error show my what’s problem , for example serial number not valid or any other problem , but with normal staff user don’t show what’s wrong .
how can i solve this issue ?

Could you please check for the brower’s console for an error message? If found any, please copy the error message and paste here.

hi umair .
i find it , there is problem or Bug when user don’t have write access for note this problem happened . when i allow every one to write note then it will ok ,hope this issue will solve in future .