Error: Errors after upgrading to v11 in web forms and git pull commands

Firstly i upgraded to v11 yesterday and i had a custom module and a custom doctype and a webform after upgrading i encountered some errors which disappeared after recreating the custom module and everything was fine after i did that but now when i open the custom web form on the browser the forms it self doest appear on safari but it appears in chrome but with the same error in the console which is

logger.js:11 quill Overwriting modules/mention with class Mention{constructor(e,t){this.isOpen=!1,this.itemIndex=0,this.mentionCharPos=null,this.cursorPos=null,this.values=[],this.suspendMouseEnter=!1,this.quill=e,this.options={source:null,renderItem:functi…

debug @ logger.js:11

and another error that appears is whenever i add a page break it doesn’t work and it makes the whole form to disappear in all browsers without even showing the next or previous button and the form themselves and i get this errors in the console when i add the page break

logger.js:11 quill Overwriting modules/mention with class Mention{constructor(e,t){this.isOpen=!1,this.itemIndex=0,this.mentionCharPos=null,this.cursorPos=null,this.values=[],this.suspendMouseEnter=!1,this.quill=e,this.options={source:null,renderItem:functi…
debug	@	logger.js:11
register	@	quill.js:90
(anonymous)	@	comment.js:4
(anonymous)	@	multicheck.js:161
base_control.js:7 Invalid Control Name: Page Break
layout.js:155 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'layout' of undefined
    at Object.init_field (layout.js:155)
    at Object.make_field (layout.js:135)
    at Object.<anonymous> (layout.js:90)
    at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
    at Object.render (layout.js:78)
    at Object.make (layout.js:24)
    at Object.make (field_group.js:22)
    at Object.make (class.js:53)
    at frappe.web_form.wrapper.render (web_form_class.js:71)
    at Object.<anonymous> (web_form_class.js:38)
init_field	@	layout.js:155
make_field	@	layout.js:135
(anonymous)	@	layout.js:90
each	@	jquery.min.js:2
render	@	layout.js:78
make	@	layout.js:24
make	@	field_group.js:22
(anonymous)	@	class.js:53
render	@	web_form_class.js:71
(anonymous)	@	web_form_class.js:38
(anonymous)	@	jquery.min.js:2
i	@	jquery.min.js:2
fireWith	@	jquery.min.js:2
z	@	jquery.min.js:4
(anonymous)	@	jquery.min.js:4
load (async)		
send	@	jquery.min.js:4
ajax	@	jquery.min.js:4
call	@	website.js:64
get_data	@	web_form_class.js:9
frappe.web_form.wrapper	@	web_form_class.js:5
(anonymous)	@	web_form.js:28
(anonymous)	@	website.js:263
trigger_ready	@	website.js:262
(anonymous)	@	website.js:405
dispatch	@	jquery.min.js:3
r.handle	@	jquery.min.js:3
trigger	@	jquery.min.js:4
(anonymous)	@	jquery.min.js:4
each	@	jquery.min.js:2
each	@	jquery.min.js:2
trigger	@	jquery.min.js:4
(anonymous)	@	website.js:388
i	@	jquery.min.js:2
fireWith	@	jquery.min.js:2
ready	@	jquery.min.js:2
J	@	jquery.min.js:2

i really need help in those errors and i donno how can i solve them and those forms are very important to my website so if anyone could help would be great

another point which is not very important but should be taken into consideration is the default validate email function which i know it is triggered when i make a data field with email in its options but the weird part it doesnt validate correclty for example “xxx@xxx” would be a valide email according to erpnext

and the last error that appeared while i am updating. it appears that i have some changes in frappe folder so i made a bench update --reset and i updated everything very well and i tried to make a bench update again to check if there are still any changes and it said yes there are some changes which i donno how and i did a reset so i tried to make a git reset --h and git reset --hard in the frappe folder and erpnext folder and this error appeared to me

HEAD is now at 9591fb766 Merge branch 'hotfix'

here are some links to check the errors of the web forms and the email validation yourselves:
for the web form without the pagebreak:
for the web form with the pagebreak: &

if you dont mind checking the web pages with both the chrome and safari as some appears here and not here and vice versa

thanks a lot in advance and anyone could point me to the write direction and am gonna try to solve it or if there are solutions already as i searched and i couldnt find any


can anyone tell me what to do as all the new updates didnt solve these problems?

+1 , I been trying to understand the code. It looks like Page break for web forms never worked. I can see the code setup, but it isnt complete I think. Correct me if I am wrong someone.